To my tremendous joy (sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek statement--be forewarned, gentle reader), we brought back the dunking both after a one-year hiatus. Yes, Dr. Rankin did his thirty minutes in the dunking booth. If the satisfaction that the children get from dunking us is in proportion to the misery that the dunkees experience, then this must have been great for the dunkers. Water up your nose, cold plunge, bruises from hitting the sides, and the climb back onto the seat after you have been dunked. Yes, yes, it is for a good cause.
Caroline Letts and all her lieutenants deserve such heartfelt thanks for Fall Festival! The event is just good, clean entertainment and fellowship, and it is a tremendous way to market to visitors the fun we have at Gaston Day!! Thank you, Fall Fest team. I know everyone had a great time!!
This past Tuesday, we had our annual Kimbrell Society Dinner at the Gaston Country Club. This is our chance to thank our largest donors to the Gaston Day School Fund and enjoy a fine meal together. This year, we were honored to have Mrs. Dot Kimbrell and Kimbrell family friend and Gaston Day School grandparent George Barnette in attendance. The Kimbrell Society is named for Mr. W. Duke Kimbrell and Mrs. Kimbrell. Mrs. Kimbrell was the first president of the Mother's Association (as it was originally called) at Gaston Day School in the late 1960s. It is such a privilege to have had Mrs. Kimbrell's support and contributions all these years!! Thank you, Mrs. Kimbrell!
At the Kimbrell Society Dinner, we also recognized our three longest, consecutive donors to the Gaston Day School Fund: the Howe Foundation, represented by William Howe (26 years in a row), John and Kathy Connor (23 years), and Ada Frank (21 years). We are so grateful to these fine folks and everyone who belongs to the Kimbrell Society.
Finally, Gaston Day School is undertaking an intensive self-study to determine what we want a Gaston Day graduate to look like and be. A "Portrait of the Graduate" Committee is leading this effort. Karen Ellison, librarian, chairs this group. We are grateful to her and her committee for all their hard work. The outcome will be a clearer understanding of the things that set apart a
Gaston Day School graduate. Agreeing on these qualities and characteristics will provide great focus in our efforts to graduate the best prepared students. Stay tuned as we share the work of the Portrait of the Graduate Committee with the larger community.
Gaston Day School graduate. Agreeing on these qualities and characteristics will provide great focus in our efforts to graduate the best prepared students. Stay tuned as we share the work of the Portrait of the Graduate Committee with the larger community.
I hope everyone is doing well and studying hard. Believe it or not, Thanksgiving is a little more than a month away. Tempus fugit! How about that, Mrs. Wilkerson!