I have a dream that ... everyone takes care of animals. (Diego Valentin)
I have a dream that .... people will take care of the world. (Chloe Hyre-Barton)
I have a dream that ... everyone will get an education. (Emmery Clarkson)

(Henry Pietras)
I have a dream that ... everyone has a job.
(Mason Parlier)
I have a dream that ... families spend more time together. (Maggie Collins)
I have a dream that ... people don't litter.
(Wyatt Contento)
I have a dream that ... poor people get what they need. (Taylor Palmieri)
I have a dream that ... we would take care of nature.
(Jackson Falls)
I have a dream that ... people help each other. (Lily Bowe)
I have a dream that ... everybody has a home. (Ella Johnson)

I have a dream that ... people can help the homeless.
(Addi Habbal)
I have a dream that ... people would be more kind and be friends. (Hudson Roberts)
I have a dream that ... people are nice to each other.
(Lily Capone)
I have a dream that ... everyone is taken care of.
(Daven Peeler)
I have a dream that ... people have food.
(Annabelle Lichty)
I have a dream that ... the poor are helped. (Izzie Merida)
Aren't our Second Graders' dreams beautiful, moving and profound? Don't you wish that all their
dreams could come true? Doesn't it fill you with hope that these are their dreams?
What are your dreams for the future? Do they retain their sense of child-like hope and purity? Reading our Second Graders' dreams made me pause to reflect on how important it is for me as an adult to keep dreaming and working to make the world a better place.
I have a dream that .... someday our Second Graders' dreams will come true. (Dr. Rankin)